A review by oleanderdreams
The Paradox of Heroes: Volume I by Nicholas Hanna


This is one of those stories where three seemingly unrelated characters and their stories converge into one twisting and turning plot. We have Danny, a college student, who wakes up in a dark room with no memory of how he got there and a ominously ticking clock. Then we have Teddy who finds a message on hid dead brother’s phone leading him to a mysterious safe under the floorboards and a lot more questions about just what his brother was a part of. Lastly we have Seven who is an assassin that’s become the target of his former employers.

Okay, so, I feel like there are some really great things in this book and some things that need some work, so here we go…

Paradox of Heroes was good and I enjoyed this book, however, I think it could have been brought to even higher levels of greatness with more work from an editor to give the book a bit more polish.

I actually read this book fairly quickly because the pacing keeps you on your toes and keeps you needing to find out what happens next and with near every chapter leaving off in a state of cliff hanger it really keeps that forward momentum.(It’s very plot driven).
The way this book was written I feel like it could be easily turned into a movie script because it already felt like it was laying out a scene in an easy way to picture. The downside to that is that it in turn made it feel lacking in the literary sense…there was a lot of telling the reader things instead of showing them and letting them experience it through the character, but I feel like that is more of a personal preference than anything else.
I think the puzzle solving with Danny and the other students was a favorite part of the book for me, along with Teddy and Emma’s search for answers as to what was in his dead brother’s safe. The Twists and turns were executed well as was the overall feeling suspense woven effortlessly through out the book. My least favorite part was probably how the characters acted with their crushes, lol, it was really over the top ( but believable in a teenage boy’s case.)

The only thing that felt too out of left field at the end was Teddy being Danny’s uncle simply because nothing in any of the previous text even hinted at Miles and Stella having a son or Teddy being an Uncle so it felt like it was stuck in there as an after thought to conveniently connect storylines. I was bewildered that it pulled me out of the story and I couldn’t suspend my disbelief.

********SPOILERS ARE OVER************** END SPOILERS***********
I think teenagers will enjoy this YA series greatly! I give The Paradox of Heroes 3.5 Stars
I also want to thank the author for sending me a copy in exchange for an honest review!!