A review by danisilvare
Girl Hearts Girl by Lucy Sutcliffe


Eh... it was ok for a memoir. The writing was kinda messy, you can tell it was her first book, but it was not awful, so props to that... the thing that annoyed me the most tho was that at times it was unnecessarily melodramatic. I know coming out is a very personal thing, but literally nobody had trouble with the protagonist's gayness and she still was all "I hit rock-bottom but now I'm here". She added a few homophobic encounters, but they were not terrible. Also, those times when they mentioned homophobia as something belonging to the dark ages... like, really? I know it's because its her experience and her point of view, but it rubbed me off the wrong way because she sounded very sheltered (not that that is a bad thing per se, it's just that I couldn't relate at all, and I had a LDR relationship too).