A review by teresab78
Devil Take Me by Rhys Ford


Devil Take Me

Overall, it had some good stories, however none of them wowed me the way I expected from three of my favourite authors, which was a bit of a let down but entirely my perception. I don’t know if I just wasn’t in the right frame of mind or what. I’m not usually squeamish but as a whole this anthology was super dark with not much romance or even sex (in fact there was hardly any sex at all). It was definitely fit for an October release as I would class 3 of the 6 stories as horror. They were all imaginative and I’m sure many others would absolutely love all the offerings. For me, I don’t think I would read the book again.

*i was given this with no expectation of a good review

Infernal Affairs by Jordan L Hawk- 4 stars

Quick paced with an interesting premise. I really liked the humour and action. I didn’t buy the “I love you”s but did feel the attraction and potential so I could over look it. I wasn’t sure how they’d pull off being together, but I really liked the solution of the end. I would have liked a little more descriptive detail of the mc’s; I had a little trouble imagining how they and the dog both looked.

Collared by TA Moore - 2 stars

I really didn’t like this story and had a really hard time with it. There was no good in it what so ever, everyone was evil. I don’t usually mind a little gore and macabre in my paranormal but this pushed even those boundaries. I was confused for most of it and there was no romance - only sick twisted feelings. There are a lot of details missing to make complete sense of the story. If it wasn’t part of an anthology I would have DNF it.

Counterfeit Viscount by Ginn Hale - 4 stars

I quite enjoyed this story. The alternate universe was interesting and I would have loved a little more backstory to the world. I could definitely see a sequel with Archie and Nimble on other cases. The descriptions were rich and I was firmly put in the story.

11:59 by CS Poe - 4 stars

This story is told in a unusual voice that actually works quite well for this story. Very fast moving; I could see this as a movie. It was really imaginative. I would have liked a little more pre and post story.

Wonderland City by Rhys Ford - 4 stars

There is lots of action in this reimagined Wonderland. Many interesting characters and much gore made this a grittier world. I would have liked more of the romance but was still able to connect with Jean Michel and Xander though I wasn’t quite sure why Xander resisted the relationship.

Dark Favours by Jordan Castillo Price - 4.5 stars

This was my favourite of the stories. I felt more connected and I felt the attraction between the main characters more. I liked the idea of trading favours and granting favours to gain power. It was imaginative. It didn’t have as much gore as the other stories did, which I appreciated.