A review by alittlemixofvix
Those You Killed by Christopher Badcock


This book was full of chills and suspense – I really enjoyed it. The mood and locations were portrayed brilliantly and I could imagine every part clearly; I even found myself looking over my shoulder a couple of times – and there is no way I’m swimming in a lake again!

I warmed to Elwood and was routing for him to succeed, I also loved Whiskey and Aubrey. The visions were so creepy and realistic, it’s not often a book can actually spook me, but this one managed to. I thought the ending was great too, it cleared up any doubts I had about whether things were real.

The only reason I knocked a star off was at times I found Elwood a bit too clear headed. I felt if he was really trying to go cold turkey, his mind and body would have had a lot more issues along the way.

I can’t wait to see what Chris writes next and would recommend this to anyone who loves horrors or thrillers.
*I received a complimentary copy of the e-book from the author and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.