A review by paddlefoot55
Knuckle Down by Chantal Fernando


ARC received for an honest review

Oh. My. Knuckles!

I adored you as Erin's "best friend" in Ace of Hearts, but now I have a full blown crush on you!

And if you have read the first book, you will remember Celina, Erin's cousin? She's older than Erin, but in some ways she feels younger.

And when the biker and the journo meet - well, things don't go the way either of them expect, but boy is is better than anything either wanted.

A journalist and a biker together -yeah, you can see the conflict between them coming a mile away, however it was not what I expected it was going to be.

A single dad, Knuckles really is all kinds of swoonworthy when he is with his girls. I mean... le sigh. You need to look past the kutte and the rumours about bikers to get to the real man.

I love the push/pull between Celina and Knuckles- well, him pushing for more, and Celina pulling away lol. There is such a spark between them that you can't help but want them to get more.

Was great to get more of the Cursed Ravens MC, loved seeing where Erin and Ace were at in their relationship, and I neeeeeed to know more about Rogue/


Can't wait for Going Rogue - even though it is only a few weeks away, it is too far away!

Gimme gimme gimme!

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