A review by bookishkandice
Midnight Wings: A Science Fiction Retelling of Cinderella. by Ariele Sieling


Cinderella retelling with a sci-fi twist?! Heck to the yes! As soon as I saw that description, I jumped on this book. I have been loving the retellings that have come out lately and I enjoy seeing how authors have taken the basis of a story and recreated it to make it their own.

This novella keeps to the basic Cinderella story with El, short for Eleanor, living with her stepmother and two step-sisters. She is downtrodden, poor, and slaves away each day doing whatever her step-family demands of her. The sci-fi comes in on where this story takes place, in space! They live on a space station and instead of a ball, there is a fighter pilot competition!

Overall, I loved the premise of the story. Changing up the scenery and giving the story its own sci-fi twist was a great idea. There is a prince in this story, but he doesn't get El out of her situation, just simply provides the means to do it. She has to learn to rely on friends and her own skill to help her escape her evil step-family and her situation. I loved that twist to the story. The author allowed El to be a strong woman who had to learn on her own to find her own way, with the help of her friends, but not a man who comes in and sweeps her off her feet.

I thoroughly enjoyed this novella and I plan to read the next one in the series.

Full disclosure, I received an advanced review copy for free from Book Sirens in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my review of the book nor my opinion.