A review by atschakfoert
Empire of Borders: The Expansion of the Us Border Around the World by Todd Miller


It is clear that Todd Miller knows his subject frontwards and back and has a desire for learning about the intricacies of global “security”, immigration, and even climate change. Unfortunately, his writing was a bit dry - this book reads like a college term paper, informative but lacking passion. I was really only able to drag myself through it because I have strong feelings about the USA’s involvement and overreach in “helping” secure other countries in a misguided fear of our own country being overrun by “terrorists” and “criminals.” I imagine Mr. Miller also has strong feelings around this vast subject or he wouldn’t be spending his life writing about it. While it is so important (especially in this age of “fake news” fears) for journalists to remain impartial, there is a way to write objectively and yet infuse a little life into the facts. Still, for those interested in learning more about our global borders, this book was very informative.