A review by karenchase
Joe Quinn's Poltergeist by David Almond


This little graphic novel is more like a poem, and the art is raw, descriptive, real people feeling real and fantastical things--shot through with images of mundane objects (a burnt-down cigarette, a kitchen knife). Everyday boys, living everyday lives, suddenly realize there is more in the world than what they see. The sudden appearance of a poltergeist at Joe Quinn's opens an opportunity for Davie to witness those greater forces. Is Joe Quinn (nobody's favourite, it seems, despite his cool and unusual mum) having them on? Is he mocking Davie for continuing to grieve his dead sister? Is the poltergeist really Joe's imprisoned father, psychically harassing him and his mum? Or is it Barbara, reaching out from beyond to touch Davie, out of the blue? Everything is possible in this tale--of the banal and the extraordinary.