A review by maferg01
Stay by A.L. Jackson


Just when I think that A.L. Jackson can't possibly make me love another character more than the last, she kills me with another amazing story. Ash is right up there with Lyrik and Rhys as my favorite characters so far.

We begin the story with Ash getting the beatdown of a lifetime and left for dead. Willow stumbles upon him outside her shop and saves his life. They are struck with each other even under these circumstances. After he is out of the hospital, he pays Willow a visit to repay her kindness. They are instantly struck with each other. Insta-lust. What follows is a beautiful dance until they collide. This story shows a side of Ash, we have yet to see. Beneath the brash and flirty exterior, is a man in hiding. And when the truth comes out it will sideswipe you out of left field.

You will not want to miss the next in this amazing series, one of my favorite series I have ever read. Angsty stories with characters you can't help but love. Broody boys hiding deep sorrows and girls with hearts of gold who rise above the heartache and trauma of their pasts. With twists and turns that will leave you reeling, you will binge the whole series!