A review by kinginthedork
Loistavat kasvit. Mitä tiedämme kasveista ja niiden älykkyydestä by Stefano Mancuso, Alessandra Viola


I just loved how the author made the book really crisp and concise without compromising on the quantity or quality of the text. It's always nice to have an easy read non-fiction book that can be shelved under Biology.

It is a tough job making botany and associated sciences accessible for the layman, but this book does it really, really well. Zoology and the actions of the organisms studied in the discipline are somewhat more relatable, or rather - more noticeable and tangible. It is very easy to explain to a person with minimal inclination towards zoology not just organisms, but also phenomenon like anti-freeze, hibernation, the addition of extra fins and so on.

What about plants? Is it easy to explain to person with no botanic laurels the mechanism of perception of gravity by plants? Of sound? A chemical gradient? Apparently yes. All within 200 Pages.

If I had to assign a reading level to it, I'd even go out on a limb and say this book can be infused into any curriculum middle school onwards as supplementary reading.

And if you're like me and made the mistake of studying Biological classification extremely meticulously, then this book will serve as redemption (maybe even as vindication) and you'll finally be able to put that knowledge to good use because at places having an evolutionary compass helps you understand the book and the episodes described within it better.