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A Kiss from a Rogue by Elisa Braden


A Kiss from a Rogue is the tenth and final book in the Rescued from Ruin series. It is a wonderful ending to the series and I can’t wait to see what the author surprises us with next. It can be read as a stand-alone. I haven’t read all of the series yet but they are on my TBR list. Characters from the previous books do appear in this book since they are all friends and family of Lady Wallingham’s. I loved all the side characters that provided humor, love, support and (hilarious) marriage advice to Hannah and Jonas.
Hannah Gray has a tragic past but she is determined to overcome it, get married and have children. Lady Wallingham’s house party is her chance to find a “safe, normal husband”. Jonas Hawthorn is a Bow Street runner and he meet Hannah while investigating a murder that Hannah’s brother was a suspect in (in the previous book: A Marriage Made in Scandal #9). They each felt a connection to each other at their first meeting, but Hannah was weary of Jonas. Lady Wallingham hires Jonas to catch a thief and locate a stolen chest during her house party.
Can Hannah overcome her past and allow Jonas into her life? Can they solve the mystery of the stolen chest? I recommend this book and can’t wait to reread the entire series. I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.