A review by witandsin
Blonde with a Wand by Vicki Lewis Thompson


Some women think men are dogs. To Anica Revere, Jasper Danes is more of a tomcat. At least he is after she turns him into one. Anica just happens to be a witch, and though she generally tells the men she’s dating her magical heritage before they get too deeply involved, she makes an exception with Jasper. But in the midst of a bad fight, by-the-book Anica makes a very big mistake and uses an ancient curse that turns Jasper into a cat. Now, Anica’s been stripped of her powers for using her magic to transform another and Jasper will have to figure out a way to transform back into the biped he once was. What neither Jasper nor Anica expect is that the situation they find themselves in has unexpected benefits; the time they spend together fast becomes more powerful than any love potion. But is there a future in the cards for a sexy witch without magic and a man that can’t seem to stay human?

There might be a little bit of witch in Vicki Lewis Thompson, for Blonde with a Wand was a spellbinding read. I started Anica and Jasper’s story one evening and before I knew it, it was after four in the morning and I didn’t want to go to bed until I finished the book. I laughed, I melted, and at points, my heart broke. I adored Anica right from the start, and loved watching both she and Jasper grow as characters over the course of the story. Ms. Thompson has the uncanny ability to make you laugh on one page, then break your heart on the next. There were so many unexpectedly hilarious things that can happen when your twenty-first century male is in feline form, but kudos to Ms. Thompson for also weaving in the plight of homeless and abandoned animals. The blending of the silly and the serious, the bonds of romantic and sisterly love, and magical mayhem are all what makes Blonde with a Wand work. This is the first story by Ms. Thompson’s that I’ve read and I flat-out loved it. I’ll be reading much more of this entertaining author’s work in the future, starting with the next Babes on Brooms novel, Chick with a Charm. Still, I find that before I dive into the next book of Ms. Thompson’s, I can’t resist giving Blonde with a Wand another read; it’s that addictive, which is why I Joyfully Recommend this bewitching book!

Recommended Read. Reviewed for Joyfully Reviewed.