A review by nikkistrover
Ruthless Vows by Rebecca Ross

Did not finish book.


⭐️⭐️.5 Stars
0.5 Spice

DNF @ 80%

Favourite Line:
...I would love to see you burn with splendour. I would love to see your words catch fire with mine.

Ok don't come for me...I know so many people loved this duology and I really did gush over the first book. I don't know what to say about this second book except I tried. I REALLY tried to finish it, and I barely ever DNF books.

It just felt like not a lot was happening, Iris and Roman just seemed to move around locations so often without much action or tension to the plot. Pace was slow, the gods are infuriatingly useless and had so much of the book dedicated to the lore building around them, but it wasn't all as interesting as I'd anticipated and took away from the central character story arcs.

I was just hanging on for the next round of letters and banter between Roman & Iris, it's all I cared about.

After the cliffhanger of the first book, I was sure I'd dive right into this, but it didn't draw me in like Divine Rivals did - there was just something missing that I can't quite put my finger on.

Can't really justify rating this any lower because it really is beautifully written and I love Rebecca's writing style.

I'm sure at some point I will go back to it and finish off the last 20% but it's been left to die a slow death in my "currently reading" list for now.