A review by ireadb00ks
Yiza by Michael Köhlmeier


the less you know, the better. "timely" is terrible. this book isn't, except for a few slip ups.

the dialogue and narration occasionally falls into the informative, mucking up the otherworldly vibe. when shamhan is going on about it being ok to leave her behind because she's cute. when the effect of arian's eyebrows is over emphasized.

couldn't help but read others' reviews before writing my own. the end is indeed the worst offense. yeah the reader eventually has to put together what's happening on the surface, and that sucks, but for the author to step out and directly preach about it. also, something doesn't translate in the paragraph about the drivetrain of sorrow or misery. the gist of it makes sense, but not line by line.

3 & 1/2 stars