A review by rainmisoa
Ink Exchange by Melissa Marr


Once again, LOVE LOVE LOVE this series. I am definitely going to pick up the other ones after this. It's just too amazing to let slip by. Now, I do have to say one thing about this book. It's not as great as the first one. I really did enjoy it. Her writing style is still as amazing as ever with her beautiful choice in words and the way she makes them flow in her story. Also, I just love the relationship between Irial and Niall. What can I say? I'm a sucker for yaoi and Irial is such a yummy badass that I just HAVE to gobble him up! Mmm... Irial... anyway! I'm losing focuse. *Coughs* X3 But, I really did not enjoy Leslie's character. She got on my nerves from the beginning of the book to the end, which sucks because she ruined the book for me. I can't say exactly what it is that annoyed me about her. I guess it was how pathetic she was throughout the entire thing and I like my female leads to be strong. Either way, it was still a great read and I am looking forward to reading Fragile Eternity next.

A better review will come in the future!