A review by astalnar
Heroes Fall by Morgon Newquist, Thomas Plutarch, Kasia SÅ‚upecka


The novel starts really strong. Right at the start we're thrown in the middle of the action of a gigantic fight involving Achilles, Pendragon, Banshee, and their nemesis Thanatos. From there on, comes 20 year timeskip, and what we're left with is at times endearing protagonist Victoria who is looking out for teenage Primes who don't really know how to use or want to use thier superpowers.

Still, no matter how interesting the story might have been, I can't forgive it the idiocy of the main cast of characters including Victoria and Achilles. From reading the blurb, I was expecting an exciting tale of superheroes defending their city from supervillains. What I got was superheroes who lie, supervillains who tell the truth.

The conclusion to the novel is also pointless,
Spoileras the sacrifice Victoria and Achilles make in order to save the reputation of Pendragon, and with that the public image of superheroes is void.

The entire book feels like a prequel that should've never been published in the first place. Or at least be written with different stakes in mind, because some things Pendragon did are just unforgivable, and if it takes to other heroes to hide and lie for him to avoid justice, then the villain trying to expose him is in the right.

I don't know if this was the intent of the authoress, but the implications, as far as my understanding of superheroes genre goes are damning. What are we left with, when the villains are villains for exposing the truth, while the heroes are the ones covering up straight up crimes?

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.