A review by montigneyrules
The Rains of Imarcia by Marie Croke


#readingchallenge2016 (my fantasy book)

Picked by my book club, The Rains of Imarcia took me out of my normal reading zone. Typically, this type of book, Id read the the back cover synopsis, think 'what an elaborate idea, that sounds interesting', but then have it sit on my to-be-read shelf. Taking this off the shelf, I was intrigued by this fantasy world, becoming drawn into the worlds, their history, and the characters with their unique titles.

I wanted to learn more about how they survive the rain. It was a fresh new idea.

The secrets held between cities created a Rising Action with questions I needed to have answered. The descriptions and details were beautifully written....However what led me to rate it a 2/5, was once the climax arose, I felt the story went by the wayside, and the writing lessened with just lots of action play by play and less beautiful storytelling.

I felt the build up was the appeal, but then it took a predictable, rushed ending stance. For Sey, someone so strong, new to her mission, wanting to prove herself to just end up a lovey dovey romance storyline was a bit of a dissapointment. I for one love a love story angle but I wish it was left out.

Then the constant, 'deep thoughts to self' by the characters during battle got a bit cheesy for me while reading nothing but action play by play. I felt towards the end I was merely reading a script of a jam packed tv episode hoping for high ratings during sweeps week. I wish there was more resolve at the end with a better, longer epilogue possibly.