A review by molly_dettmann
The Radius of Us by Marie Marquardt



After escaping a brutal gang in El Salvador to protect his little brother from having to join them, Phoenix tries to seek asylum, but must confront his violent past and deal with unjust prejudices.

Gretchen was mugged by a young Latino man months before and hasn’t been the same since. She’s homeschooled now and regularly has panic attacks about that night. When she sees Phoenix for the first time she thinks for half a second that he is her attacker and has a panic attack in front of him. Instead of being scared away, Phoenix is drawn to this beautiful, broken girl and she becomes drawn to him as well...

When these two come together and learn more about their pasts, will their be enough to help each other through it all? A story of hope, passion, and what we will do to protect the ones we love.

I loved this story so much!!! It was a love story, but it also tackles issues like gang violence and immigration in a way that really shows what grey topics they really are. I loved Phoenix. He was swoon-worthy, smart, and romantic. I also loved the way Gretchen was portrayed. She became more than just what happened to her. A must-read and add to your school or public library teen collections.