A review by gloame
Hot Head by Damon Suede


4.5 stars.

The premise of this book is a little ridiculous, and that made me put it off for a while. Which is a shame because when I finally picked it up, I couldn't put it down again. The characters in this book are just beyond good. The love is so real and intimate and deep, and the sex is really f-ing hot. Like, REALLY. The first time they have penetrative sex, I nearly had a heart attack.

But mostly, Griff and Dante just fit each other. They're perfect for one another and you see that really early on. For as smutty as this book is (and it is VERY smutty) the romance is more real, more emotional, than I've seen in many other books.

There is one negative that I think is important to note: Some of the word choices are so ridiculously over-the-top that I couldn't help giggling. Penises referred to as clubs, meat, sausages, dorks, beer-can dicks, etc etc. BUT if you can just accept this as just dudes being dudes, then it's totally fine. It actually fit the characters, imo, and the relationship was so great that I could ignore it.

If you're looking for smut, this is for you.

And if you're looking for romance, it's still for you.

I would definitely read more if this were made into a series.

*I listened to this one on audiobook and I thought the narrator did a GREAT job, but there were a few editing mistakes in it. Small enough to ignore and I rec the audiobook.