A review by thechanelmuse
Bad Witch Burning by Jessica Lewis


Sometimes when you go into a book blindly...

The only intriguing part about Bad Witch Burningis a teen girl's ability to not only speak to the dead but summon them. I just knew I was going to enjoy this...Nope. For such an interesting aspect, it's ridiculous that it's built around a foundation of an abusive mother's boyfriend; a neglectful, gaslighting mother; a parentified teen; a local drug dealer; abandonment; food insecurity; gun violence; murder; PTSD; etc.

It gives me the same feeling in sentiment (not tale) as those two Netflix sci-fi dramas where the leading Black character is in a time loop, and each day they have to figure out a new strategy to survive the police murdering them. Why is sh!t like this a thing?!? Some people just don't know how to create a compelling story without trauma porn.