A review by brokenrecord
Cold Magic by Kate Elliott


This book sounded so relevant to my interests, but unfortunately I just couldn't connect with it at all. It felt like a bit of a chore to get through at points. The story picked up a bit when Cat gets married (I feel like the first 50 pages could've been cut completely), but it still never managed to be as great as I wanted it to be. I was never able to get a good handle on what this world was like, despite the great amount of info-dumping. And while I was super into the idea of the romance based on what I read from reviews (arranged marriage!!! One of my favorite tropes!!!), it didn't completely work for me either (although it was by far my favorite element of the book). I also didn't really buy what Andevai says at the end about
Spoilerrealizing she was the other half of his soul the second he first saw her.
I was really looking forward to this trilogy, but now I don't know if I care enough to read the remaining two books. I might still try the next book in the series solely for the romantic arc, because even if it didn't work for me as well as I would've liked, I was still mostly pretty into it, and I'd like to see how things develop further. But I'm definitely not going to be picking up the next book immediately, unfortunately. This review is probably more negative than it should be, since it's not like I hated it. But it was just so much more mediocre than what I was expecting.