A review by cdrescher
Hunting Adeline by H.D. Carlton


Listen. This book is marketed as dark romance but should be a fantasy. 86% of this plot would never happen in real life and required an abject amount of suspension of reality. The sex trafficking portion was harrowing and unpleasant to say the least, but the second portion of the plot was not written for our human comprehension.

That being said…

I was as addicted to this book as Addie and Zade are to each other. The fact that I found many of their interactions *exciting* simultaneously scare and excite me (sound familiar?) I wish there was 1 1/2 more sweet spicy scenes and maybe an extra date that rounded out their romance outside of murdering and relentless sex. This book was ALSO 100 pages too long so I’d trade that for one of the THOUSAND ridiculous human trafficking takedowns that again, WOULD NOT HAPPEN THAT WAY. Also, Zade is probably too perfect in a fucked up way. But I like my book men perfect in a fucked up way.

This book was a 1 star and a 5 star combined, so I'm giving it a 4. But readers - take the content warnings seriously. She did not mess around this time and I can take pretty much anything but some scenes made me really squirm.