A review by asma_aj
Darklight by Lesley Livingston


After the events on Halloween, not a single day goes by when Kelley wonders how Sonny is doing in the Otherworld. Though she misses him, Kelley is busy with the theater's new production, but her roommate is offering enticing nights of dance as distractions. But Kelley's exposure to the Fae proves to be more dangerous when two leprechauns are out for blood. Even though this bout of disaster brings Sonny back to her world, Kelley discovers there's more to the changeling's kidnapping -and hers- than meets the eye.

I can't believe it took me 2 weeks to finish this, even though it IS a quick read, and every bit as exciting as the first. Actually, probably more. I just love the minor characters. Livingston gives every character their chance to glow and grow on the reader; Puck, for example, or Fennrys Wolf (*le sigh*). Although it doesn't answer many questions of what's going on, the plot is fast-paced. Kelley and Sonny themselves haven't changed much, but I love how complicated their feelings are. It makes it more raw.

The one thing I thought was a disappointment was that there wasn't enough build up for the big twist (but it was a shock, I'll tell you that!). Then again, it did well as an element plot surprise, and the way it was revealed, I appreciate that Livingston for not making it an "info-dump". She is an awesome writer.

And the ending... Even though I've been exposed to this bit of spoiler on the blogsphere, actually reading it does not help. Again, I thank my compulsive buying for getting the final book.