A review by bluebeereads
Bright Before Sunrise by Tiffany Schmidt


Istyria book blog ~ B's world of enchanted books

Why in the world isn't everybody reading and raving about this book? I read it in less than 4 hours and I loved it! Bright Before Sunrise is a quick, fun and touching story with a fantastic and sweet romance.

Bright Before Sunrise is about Brighton and Jonah. Brighton seems like a popular goodie-two-shoes that everybody loves but actually she's just pretending to be fine since her dad died five years ago. The last thing she wants is the new kid to tell her how much he doesn't like her for no reason. Jonah is the new kid at school. He doesn't want to fit in because he didn't want to move in the first place. And then his girlfriend, Carly, breaks up with him and Brighton and Jonah end up together the whole night.

This book takes place over the course of about 12 - 15 hours I think. It reads very quick and it was so good! I've been wanting to read this book ever since I first came across it on Goodreads and I'm so happy I immediately started it when I finally got a copy. This was such a wonderful surprise! The writing was great, the romance was amazing and the characters were so real. This is not insta-love! Absolutely not! It's a very sweet romance and I totally got it. I could not put it down and read this in one sitting.

I loved Brighton. Since her dad died she's relied on pretending to be fine with a big smile on her face and being kind to every one. It was the only way to keep her family together but she doesn't have a clue how to handle what she's really feeling. She hasn't let herself mourn over the loss of her father. She started joining all those clubs at school, never says no to anyone,... I'd be exhausted at the end of the day if I were her. But I did admire her for being so strong for her family. I was glad she learned how to say no in this book though. And I loved how awkward and shy she was around Jonah.

Jonah. I love him. Sure, he's an idiot for the way he's acting but I get it on some level. I was glad to see him open up to Brighton. He really changed the most. I also liked the other secundary characters, but they weren't in it that much. It was mostly Jonah and Brighton. And that was absolutely fine with me. I love those two.

In the end I'd recommend this book to people who loved Jennifer E. Smith's The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight. It's a sweet, genuine, touching story that I could not put down. I really really loved this book.