A review by kristid
Once a Witch by Carolyn MacCullough


Although Carolyn had a few novels under her belt already, Once a Witch was my first experience with her writing, and I’m looking forward to more.

Tamsin was a very relatable character. Feeling like you don’t quite fit in with your family or that you’ll never live up to their standards is something that I remember struggling with myself. I loved the dynamics of her family and how even though it was so huge everyone was close in their own ways. It was refreshing to read about a “normal” happy and loving family even if they were witches! Characterization was great, even with the secondary characters. I would have liked to seen the relationship between Gabriel and Tamsin a little more developed. I know they were supposed to have a history, but it still felt like there was something missing. Although, I did enjoy the comic relief that Gabriel provided.

The plot was interesting... um I mean, engaging. I don’t think I’ll ever say interesting again after reading this book! Anyway, the plot was engaging! A little mystery, a dash of romance, all rolled up into a ball of intrigue! Delivers one magical novel!

Overall, it was just fun . A feel good, can’t wait for the next one, kind of read.