A review by sarabara
Claimed by Presley Hall


Typical kidnapped by aliens, fated mates novel. Not bad, but very basic. 

This book seemed to lack the magic for me, the"it" factor, whatever. The voice was a little bland. No new twist on any of our favorite tropes. The main characters were a little flat, a little shallow, and not entirely believable as real "people." It made it hard to become emotionally invested in their story.

Line level writing is decent. No complaints. It's not exceptional but who needs that in these kinds of novels. When it happens, it's great. But it's not necessary.

 Pacing is a little slow at times, a little boring.

I was disappointed at how the big bad aliens were treated in this. Yes, they are evil, but I got strong "ugly equals bad" vibes. Probably because I just came off of a monster erotica novel, I thought that the author did a disservice to the Orkin race just because they were physically ugly. 

I don't think I'll go back for more.