A review by zgill0314
Dead Money by Jacob Kerr


 Jakob Kerr's debut novel "Dead Money" offers a fresh and intriguing take on the thriller genre, set against the backdrop of Silicon Valley's high-stakes tech world. The story follows Mackenzie Clyde, a savvy fixer for a venture capital firm, as she teams up with an FBI agent to investigate the murder of a prominent startup CEO. Kerr's insider knowledge of the tech industry shines through, providing authentic and fascinating details that elevate the narrative beyond a typical whodunit. 
While "Dead Money" may not deliver the breakneck pace some readers expect from thrillers, its strength lies in its intricate plot and well-developed characters. The novel takes its time to unfold, focusing on the complexities of the case and the dynamics between characters rather than relying on non-stop action. This approach pays off with a series of unexpected twists, culminating in a final revelation that catches even the most astute readers off guard. Kerr's compelling writing style keeps readers engaged throughout, making "Dead Money" a satisfying and thought-provoking read for those who enjoy piecing together clues alongside the protagonists.