A review by ladywestfall
Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas


Okay. So, I just finished reading this full-length book (yes, not a novella) and I have happy tears. Before y'all bash me (bec I know 50% of the tog reader population hates it), let me tell you first how much I love this book because I love Chaol Westfall with all my heart (I may be biased?). This man deserves all the love and I hated Maas for fucking his character over and over again. But then again, I want to thank Sarah for writing this massive book. Oh yes, I LOVED EVERY SINGLE THING ON IT AND I DON'T HELLA CARE THAT YOU GUYS THINK THAT SARAH IS ONLY MILKING THE FRANCHISE. CHAOL DESERVED THIS!!!!

Sarah did a pretty great job redeeming Chaol's character. Let's be real, she made a shit job with QOS on Chaol. Starting the book was a bit hard, with all the new information and damn, new characters. There are just too many of them. But good thing is, the new characters turned out great. Especially Sartaq!!!! And of course, Yrene. I also love Borte!!!

I was also a little disappointed when I was spoiled that Nesryn and Chaol drifted apart in this book but when I read it, I'm glad they did. I actually liked how they grew apart from each other and grow as their own person. If you look at the bigger picture, both of them just doesn't fit. They both deserve better and that is clearly not one another. I just wished the Maas did not give so much of Wesfaliq hope on the bonus contents because it was just so misleading. But that is Maas so... (ehem Chaolaena) I pretty much applaud Maas with how she orchestrated the relationships of the new ships. Much better than Rowaelin, I could say. With Yrene and Chaol, it started really rough. I just kind of hated that there were some "parallels" with Chaolaena. I did not want people loving this new tandem because they are the new Chaolaena. Chaolaena was the shortest lived but greatest ship ever existed in the series (I AM BIASED, YES) and I just wanted to keep it that way. I did not want any second-rate Chaolaena. The relationship of Chaol and Yrene was slow burning but it was real and they much suited each other.

Ah. Sartaq and Nesryn are just adorable. I was so glad that Sarah gave so much arc for Nesryn's character. I love her and she, too, deserves so much better. I wanted to punch Chaol for being an asshole to her (though he didn't mean to). She did not deserve being a replacement. SHE DESERVES SARTAQ! And I am so happy that she found love in her homeland.

I also loved all those information that they've gathered with regards of the valg and how to defeat them. It's just so amazing that they found a way to possibly defeat the valgs and to save those people infected by them through the healers of the Torre. I seriously did not expect Yrene to have such power in this war. She could be the answer and the upperhand to win the war between these demons.

I also have one rant about Maas. Why does she keep using the phrase, "She was home." or "He was home." when the couples had their first kiss? She had used it to almost all the ships on the series. It started with Chaolaena then with Rowaelin. Then, with Chaorene and Sartaq-Nesryn (dunno their ship name). The phrase just stops being convincing especially when it had been used with someone who had thought of it on the first person then thought the same to the other person again. I am not mentioning names (Yes, Aelin?). It just pisses me off, tbh. It just doesn't make sense that you felt home with someone and you go and feel home with another person? Am I making any sense here? And the phrase has been used too much. It just doesn't make any impact at all.

Also, can we please talk about the dreader Chapter 55? All the pain and rage Chaol has been feeling from book 2 to book 5 was in this chapter. As a Chaolaena shipper, this is the closure I needed. Not that one they had in QOS. That was a shitty way to end things. As a closure, I just wanted to know that Chaol was hurt. That he did feel betrayed by Aelin. I wanted it to be in Chaol's words. For him to call her a liar for telling him that she would pick him no matter what. That he loved her but she changed. That he did waited but she fell in love with someone else. That he hated that they were perfect for each other and they were not. I just needed to know that he was miserable at one point when Celaena went off to Wendlyn. I just wanted to know that he loved her for real and he did. He truly, truly did. It was painful to read the chapted tbh. To see how Chaol battled with all these bottled feelings pestering in him and how he had found the light with Yrene.

Eventhough, the book stressed me out, I still loved it. Spoiler alert: Chaol was healed but was strucked again with Valg power. Then, nearly died. Then, back again but will be disabled his entire life. WHO WOULDN'T BE STRESSED?? (damn, all those hardwork turned to waste)

I also love how it ended. With all the army they have gathered sailing to the north. GET READY FOR WAR!!!! I'm really, really hoping for a massive battle in the last book!

Also, they are wed!!! Yrene is already Lady Westfall!! (sobs in a corner). I admit, I cried when Chaol realized that Celaena was the one who helped Yrene years ago. For him to feel so grateful and realize that it has been a gift from Aelin. His wife. His new life. I was just smiling all throughout. I am glad that Chaol finally found his happiness and he truly deserves it. All of it.

Thank you, Sarah.