A review by romancereadingreactions
Search and Destroy by Julie Rowe


2.5 Stars

Before anyone goes to read this book, they need to know that it is definitely a part of a series and I would recommend it not be read as a standalone. Also, while there is a "happy ending", I wouldn't necessarily call it a traditional HEA, because the overall storyline is left unresolved. I really wish it would say somewhere in the description that it should be read after finishing the other books in the series.

I have not read the other books in the series, so this is my perspective based on reading this book alone.

I would say the first quarter of the book was difficult to follow simply because it picks up right where the last one left off apparently. There was no reintroduction of characters or story lines; it very much so assumes you know what's going on and barrels forward. It was hard to follow who had what job and why, what the dynamics were between individuals, who to trust or be suspicious of, and just what the actual plot that you should be following was.

Also because of this, it was hard to judge the relationship between the two main characters. Obviously they had a history, but how well it was established in the other books isn't clear, and there was no clear description of their professional relationship either. Who was supposed to be protecting who got very muddled. Did Carmen like it when Dozer took charge or didn't she? And vice versa with how Dozer felt about her? All of their hesitations and hangups fell flat for me, and the overall storyline honestly just felt a bit forced and contrived. It just felt like we were getting a snapshot of a bigger picture, but not in a satisfying way.

However, all of that aside, the writing was really good and there was enough to keep me intrigued enough to finish the book. The pacing was solid and there was always a lot going on. Some decent witty banter as well! I also enjoyed the structure of the book and how it was set up as a timeline rather than individual perspective chapters. It made it feel different than a lot of other books I've read recently. I have a feeling I would have felt much more positive about it if I had read the previous books in the series. I'm definitely tempted to go back and read those and then come back to this one again!

If anyone takes anything away from this review, let it be that this book should not be read as a standalone, and should definitely be read in order with the other books in the series!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book provided to me through NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.