A review by lewreviews
Dreams from My Father by Barack Obama


It's pretty cool to read a memoir of a President before they even thought about becoming President. But even back when this book was written, you could surely tell that Obama had the potential for greatness.

And that's because what we have here is an eloquent and deeply personal memoir which expresses Obama's vision for and views of the world. There are some absolutely beautiful moments dispersed throughout, in which Obama explores what it means to be African American, and the roots that keep him attached to the African continent.

The key themes of identity and family run strong throughout, which all tie in together when Barack finally visits Kenya and has to discover who his family is - a key moment of self-discovery for him. I left the book with tremendous respect for his journey and was equally amazed at how humble his beginnings were.

Very satisfied with this book, and I found it much better than I expected. I can only wish that he releases another one recounting his time in the White House, as Michelle did. I need some more Obama penmanship in my life.