A review by isbn13_00006222022
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer


It's a great read!

If you're a teenager.

Because that was when I came across the series.

At the time, I had a few friends who were book readers like me, and they had heard of this series first and vehemently insisted that this series was the hottest and greatest. Hottest? Yes, at the time. Greatest? Debatable then and now.

Back then, I didn't have a Goodreads account, so I'm many years late with my review, and this review will be how I now think about the series and not when I was reading it and was high on emotion. Prior to reading the series, I knew about mythical creatures but had yet to really read books centered on them, so the Twilight series was my first book with vampires.

I do remember that because this story was centered on a forbidden relationship between a human and a vampire, I was intrigued and wanted to read how things would pan out for them, so I finished the first book within two days, finished the second book within a week, and finally lost interest in the last two books (I skimmed the third and didn't really touch the fourth). This is why I'm only reviewing Twilight. Part of why I lost interest is because I'm a binge reader, and I lose interest in anything I read/watch if there is a long gap in between, and that was the unfortunate case for this series. The other reason why I lost interest is because it became a bit draggy and had a whole lot of back-and-forth. I personally think the story would've been better as a duology had they condensed certain things.

And I guess I was just on an emotional high when I read the books because I would usually watch the film adaptation of my books to spot differences and changes, but when the Twilight films were out, I wasn't a bit interested, and that was when I realized I didn't really like the series as much as I thought I did.

I will admit, though, that I do sometimes have thoughts of wanting to re-read the series because the gap of waiting for the last two books played a role in my lost interest, but at the same time, I'm not a teen anymore.

But, hey. That's not to say that an adult can't like the series. Anyone can. No judgment there. But just be aware that it's for a teenage audience. At most.

Unfortunately, no shining vampires in the book.

Or is there? I forget. Enjoy!