A review by robotswithpersonality
Lies Sleeping by Ben Aaronovitch


How do I rave about a book in this series without saying the same things I said a few days ago about the last one? How about I just highlight my favourite bits: 
-Truly delicious show of power from Nightingale shutting up a mouthy lawyer/misbehaving practicioner, got all ominous in a classy way.  
- Foxglove! 🥹   
-Gloriously insane action sequence involving the repeated attempts at impediment, and dismemberment of a van, then wrestling inside a moving vehicle whilst dealing with a 'stings on contact' Quality Street tin of piece of vampire (yes you read that correctly). 
-Talking fox and cheese puffs! 
-The bumblebee warelight! 
Found myself laughing even more than I can recall from other installments in this series and was very satisfied with the mix of a particular story arc completed and other story threads left dangling tantalizingly. On to the next!