A review by teeggzz
Miss Mayhem by Rachel Hawkins


So i know not a lot of ppl like this book but i actually really enjoyed it!
Don't get me wrong this book wasn't perfect and it definitely wasn't as great as Rebel Belle but that didn't mean it was bad at all. I almost felt like this book was way too short for my liking and I wanted more.

So this book didn't go down how I i thought it would....i thought this book would be focused on Harper trying to get Bee back but oh no she just magically appears at the Ephors headquarters all fine and dandy....ok. Although I did feel kinda sorry for Bee when no one remembered her at school but then immediately took that back when she started making out with Ryan.....im still not happy about that. I felt like that was so out of character for Bee as I thought she was extremely loyal to Harper but then she goes sneaking around with her best friends ex......yup ok.

Ryan fucked me off so much in this book, he lied, he cheated and was just all around being a prick and Bee and Ryan will never be an OTP for me. He especially pissed me off in the make out scene when he says to Harper, "Well I had to deal with you and David so you should accept Bee and I." WTF BITCH NO! DAVID WASN'T UR BEST FUCKING FRIEND SO HOW DID THAT "EFFECT" YOU! Plus he cheated on Harper with the whiney Mary Beth so fuck u too Ryan.

I just wanted Harper and David to be happy in this book and although the ending saddened me I know for certain Harper will go after David. The whole ending kinda confused me becuz Davids gonna be even worse on his own and what's gonna happen now that there's no more Ephors. Plus Is Blythe really dead???

Harper really got screwed over this book. She was lied to, manipulated and had so many secrets kept from her. All she wanted to do was keep David safe and try to fix things but everyone never believed in her. I felt sorry for her the whole time. But the thing is a lot of ppl mistake Harper as being rude and snarky but i don't see her that way at all. I think she's, sassy, confident and very driven in what she does and I love her for that.

Although this book wasn't the greatest and a lot of things left me confused and furious (mostly at Bee and Ryan) I really enjoyed the humor, action and romance. I have no idea where book 3 is heading but I hope i enjoy it!