A review by adamskiboy528491
Eight Pieces of Silva by Patrice Lawrence


[b:Eight Pieces of Silva|52186769|Eight Pieces of Silva|Patrice Lawrence|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1583589263l/52186769._SY75_.jpg|77125243] by [a:Patrice Lawrence|646810|Patrice Lawrence|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1516131519p2/646810.jpg] is a readable family relationship drama with an intriguing mystery at its heart.

Becks’ Mum and Silva’s Dad have gone on a honeymoon, leaving Silva (as a young adult) in charge of (16-year-old) Becks. But Silva never returns from seeing the pair off at the airport. She doesn’t respond to any of Becks’ messages, and Becks is rightly worried. Becks doesn’t want to alarm her parents and cause them to return from a much anticipated holiday, so she manages the situation herself. She crosses the threshold of Silva’s bedroom to look for clues. She finds these in a box under the bed leading her on a trail to piece together a story of complete love and devotion Silva had for a boy none of the family had met.

Both characters were excellently crafted and engaging in their own right, heightening my interest when the narrative kept alternating. Special props to the slightly later introduction of Silva’s perspective/narrative, who was introduced a few chapters later than Becks. This move allowed Becks to shine and set up the story, which allowed for more mystery and intrigue when are finally given Silva’s point of view, which shows both London and blended families vividly and recognisably.

This YA mystery touches on several other themes including race, class, friendship, falling in love & mental health, all of which are woven together so effortlessly that it just works.