A review by kimonawhim
Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews


“He finished the bandage and was examining it critically.
"You know those things are unreliable." His voice held just a touch of reproach.
“Eleven out of twelve work fine. I’d say that’s better chances than getting an orgasm with a blind date and women still try.”

Kate Daniels, a witty, stubborn mercenary who has a hard time controlling her mouth even against the most frightening of creatures. Her traits might be mistaken for arrogance or pure bitchiness, but I quickly grew to like her as a badass. A real one, not a bundle of pure cliché. She knows when to handle something on her own, or when to ask for help. She doesn't act stupid for the hell of it. Kate lives in an urban fantasy world; a type of world I am not much used to. I'm pretty new to the genre, but reading Magic Bites impressed me, I liked it more than I imagined I would. It was really easy to picture the world, the characters and their behaviors.

...Which brings me to Curran and his light romance with Kate. I disappoint myself in saying that I'm looking forward to reading part two, partially to see what happens between the two of them. From the moment these characters met, I felt the need to read more in the interaction between them. I love it when that happens. It's slow, but that's a good thing, because that means their relationship, or so I hope, gets to build up. It didn't overlap the main story line, the writer didn't make a huge fuss out of it, and so I got to enjoy the story even when the two of them weren't together. I'd describe it as paranormal mystery, with a lot of blood and a lot of magic.

Sadly, it is almost 3 AM and my eyes are pretty much begging for sleep, but I'm looking forward to reading part two of Kate Daniels. I hope Ilona Andrews keeps to a dark shaded story line, but I can't imagine it otherwise. :)
