A review by multicoloredbookreviews
The Goodnight Kiss by Jennifer L. Hart



This book was SO. EFFIN'. GOOD!


SpoilerLike, nothing -at all- ever went down like I expected it to. At every single turn, it kept surprising me. Do you know how rare that is nowadays? To not be able to predict what's gonna happen next? And not only that, but all throughout the book I was completely, 100% sucked into the story. No joke. I would look at the time, read a bit more, and by the time I looked again, 3 hours would have gone by.

Me. Except with a Kindle instead of a laptop. I'm so sleep dripreved RN it's not even funny.

I don't know what kind of sorcery went into making this book, but holy shit! I want more from where this came from.


Another thing I found to be absolutely fantastic was how the world building was done. It all kept unraveling and growing with each new sentence I read, and I was just amazed by it all. Again, I'm so surprised I wasn't even the tiniest bit bored during any of it. Jennifer certainly has a way with words.


It's true that fey aren't as overdone as werewolves and vampires in recent literature, but this book was just so different, original and unexpected.

And somehow, the author managed to make every single one of her characters unique and unforgettable in their own ways. The 'Aunts', Sarah, Aiden's grandmother and her lady love, not-Hel, Nahini and Freda. They're all memorable, and they're not even the main characters!

Nic was such an amazing heroine. Confident, strong and brave. At times selfish and reckless, but also calculating and compassionate. Stubborn, kickass, untrusting, but with such a big heart. She was so full of flaws and good qualities, it was impossible not to empathize with her and root for her.

And Aiden... lovely, loyal, burdened Aiden. Damn if I didn't fall a little in love with him. Every time he started talking feelings at Nic my heart melted. It also broke for all the horrible stuff he had to go through and endure. He deserves to be hugged, and loved, and cared for, and to just be happy.


The only thing I'd have to point out as a maybe downside is the fact that Nic is only 16. I would've liked it better if she were older, then again, part of the shock factor about her being a serial killer is the fact that she's not even out of HS yet. But because of all the mentions of nudity (oh, Aiden), how much rape and abuse is brought up throughout the story and the fact that she's an immortal Queen reincarnated, I kept forgetting how young she was. It was a bit of a shock every time I was reminded LOL.

Apart form that, I loved every aspect of this story so much. Then I found out the next book is scheduled to release August 1st.


Is there any way at all I can get an advanced copy? Pretty please? No?


**I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review**


After reading this in preparation for book 2, I can honestly say it really holds up, though there's no mystery anymore.

This time around, and even though I know for a fact that's not what they look like, I couldn't help picturing Chloe and Addy as Sabrina's aunts, from the new-ish Netflix show. The personalities fit so perfectly, even if physically they're nothing alike! And from this moment onwards, I've decided Freda looks like a slightly younger version of Lagertha from Vikings.