A review by valeriemadsen
Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover


The branches of this book for me are the story/events and the manner they're told. I would not have sought this book out for myself because I can't stomach hearing about prolonged abuse - with the recipient unwilling to stand up for themselves. Yet my friend wanted to read it for a book club, and I was too curious to stop the book. I listened to it via audiobook.
I kept waiting for her to dig into her path of recovery. Yet her tone remained detached and justice seemed to elude those who needed a good serving of it.
And JFC - how did her father not die after setting himself on fire? I kept waiting for it and was disappointed. I'll concede there were dozens of instances of divine intervention.
While this book was extremely triggering for me, I'm glad she wrote it. I just wish she'd shared more of her healing processes.