A review by randomly_kait
The Secret Heir by Siobhan Davis


I was super stoked when I was able to get my hands on a copy of this book, especially with the way that the last one ended. Like, I've been really anxious to find out what was going to happen next!

And I just...


I think I'm still processing my feelings!

I read through this one at lightning speed, because that's how excited I was to be able to read this.

This book starts up literally right after where the second one left off, and Tori is feeling sorry for herself, and blaming herself for what happened to you know who. And right away, I just wanted to shake her and say "GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!!" which she did, eventually.

There was so much world building and character building in this book, which I absolutely love. I like getting to see book characters grow up and progress from being unsure and insecure about who they are, to kick @$$ characters who won't take crap from anyone.

I loved getting to see Tori spend more time with her guys, and seeing their relationships grow closer, it totally made me smile. I love all the guys, but my favorite is still Beckett (because I usually go for the cute nerdy ones, lol)

There were surprises in this book, some that I expected and others that I absolutely did not.

This was a fantastic continuation to the Alinthia series, and I'm very very very much looking forward to the next book, especially since this one ended with a cliffhanger *SIGHS* authors are trying to kill me with cliffhangers, I swear.

If you've read and enjoyed the first one, then you should definitely continue on with the series. Or if you love a good SciFi book packed with action, romance, and mystery, then this is the series for you!

*I am voluntarily reviewing complimentary Advance Readers Copy of this book. All of the thoughts and opinions that are expressed above are completely and totally %100 percent mine, and I have not been compensated in any way for this review.