A review by louandlife
Doctor Mirage by Magdalene Visaggio


Advanced reader copy provided by the publisher on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

What drew me into this book was the cover. It looks really cool and reminiscent to Mass Effect, so I ended up looking up what the comic was about and wanting to read it because the premise seemed cool. However, what I thought I was going to read and what I ended up reading was two very different things. I wasn't prepared for what this comic brought to the table. I thought that it was going to be more sci-fi than fantasy. The story itself is unnecessarily convoluted with an unsatisfying ending. The ending was a cliffhanger but even that was not enough for me to want to read the sequel. I wasn't invested in the characters, and in the end I wanted to finish the comic because I wanted it to end as opposed to wanting to know the ending.

The things that I did like about the comic was the art style and the colouring. I think that those are the best things the comic has to offer. It's beautifully drawn and the colours are eye catching.

I didn't really enjoy reading the comic, and I would not recommend it.