A review by blodeuedd
The Tiger at Midnight by Swati Teerdhala


When it comes to YA fantasy I do always have to suspend belief, as the teens are always the best in the world at something ;) But hey you can still enjoy the ride.

Esha, is 16-17, and the fiercest deadliest assassin spy in the world. Everyone fears the Viper. Did I feel that it as shown, nah, not really, she makes mistakes and sure I can see her take out someone, she has trained after all, but best in the land? No. Also why send a kid to take out the general? Best in the land *snickers*
She lusts for vengeance and I liked that she truly was a grey person. She kills without remorse.

Kunal is also supposed to be this great soldier, and I do say that his tracking skills are awesome, but otherwise he is a bit of a bumbling fool. Omg the times he gets hit over the head, this poor guy must have brain damage! When I think about it it felt a bit, look, women are just superior than men, look at this silly man.
But I liked Kunal, he is nice, he was a follower but he learns some hard truths.

Again, I get that it is YA, but why are always the best fighters kids? Why do they always send out kids? Srsly, are there no adults with like 20 year experience that would fare better? That will always be my issues with YA. Kunal is sent out with some other guys to track down the Viper, sure, send out the 16 year old boys, I am sure all the adult soldiers are dead.

Ok, dang, this sounds so negative now! No no! I enjoyed this book, what else could the author do, this is YA, they have to be best and young.

I liked the Indian fantasy setting, I never see that in fantasy. I liked the feel of the lush jungle, tigers sneaking around and the talk of food and customs. I liked how the countries need a woman ruler and a man ruler in their own country. And now there are two male rulers and one country is suffering. It was fascinating. She created this amazing world.

And when it ended, arghhh, why is there no blurb for book 2? I need to know what happens to Kunal and Esha, mostly Kunal cos I like that bumbling fool

She has this smooth voice that I enjoyed listening too. The accents were really fitting and went so well with the characters. Nice distinctive voices too
I'd listen to more by her,even if she sounded older I'd say she was perfect for YA.