A review by lifeinthebooklane
Strip Me Bare by M. Never, Marissa Carmel


Overall I enjoyed this well written and engaging story about Ryan and Alana. The author's writing style is easy to read and follow and there didn't seem to be any editing issues. Personally I found some of the descriptions a little distracting from the story, but it wasn't a huge issue.

The book is entirely written from Alana's POV. On the whole I liked her, although I did feel she allowed herself to be a doormat at times. Other times she really shone and came over as so strong and determined. One of my issues related to how uncomfortable she was with Ryan stripping. Despite him promising it was only a temporary situation, he was still stripping quite a few years after they reconnected. HOWEVER, in the last chapter of the book, the author threw a different light on his job, which not only made me feel like I'd been too judgemental about it but also made me realise it is just that. It is a job and we shouldn't judge Ryan for doing it BUT it had seemed to be a hard limit for Alana, yet she just buried her head in the sand.

Because we don't experience Ryan's thoughts or feelings first hand I did find it hard to connect with him for a while, or to believe him at first. He seemed a little too arrogant and full of himself for a good chunk of the book. I would have liked more exploration of the bad dream/ broken boy side of him so that we really understood his character.

Their chemistry was both intense and believable and, even though we don't see them fall in love, I did believe in their connection. The last few chapters and the epilogue really gave a fantastic ending to the book and tied up all those loose ends.