A review by timinbc
Three Moments of an Explosion by China Miéville


Some of China Miéville's books are among my favourites. They take us to worlds that are like ours in some ways, and totally unlike in others. Most of them are strong brews, like Perdido Street Station. This one, I fear, was left to steep too long, and has become lit'ry. Some might say "too bloody clever for 'is own good."

The stories are superbly crafted. If that's what brings to this book, you'll love it. I prefer to luxuriate in the story rather than the author's craftsmanship.

The stories are hugely inventive, sometimes too much so. Imagine Kafka on LSD.
In some, I probably missed the allegorical or symbolic significances that would have made me gasp at the brilliance of the story.

It's not Miéville's fault that this one's too much for me. He is not obliged to write for me. I'll look for his next one anyway, because he's still an odds-on bet to produce one I'll like next time.