A review by anitalouise
Hands On by Aria Grace


With many of these More than Friends books, you have to suspend reality a bit. The breezy way these guys get involved in criminal activities is a bit jarring. This book felt the same. What made it a 4 star read was Caleb. The very pragmatic way he looked at his circumstances. He had no options, he wanted to finish school and get a decent job. This line "I need to make money and put myself through school. That's it. I don't do it because I'm a nympho and I don't do it because I don't think I'm capable of great things but until I have a degree and some money in the bank, I can't do any of them." Okay. Understood. A means to an end and I totally respected that. Where this fell short though, was the limited interaction between our two MCs. Patton sees Caleb working as a bartender, then offers him a free massage at the place Patton is working. Patton, who seems to live with his foot in his mouth, makes some off the cuff remark about hookers not knowing what Caleb's other job is. Then the two fantasize about each other and "hope he's the one." What?!! You don't really know each other. I needed more face time. More relationship development. But, what I've noticed about these books is that this happens quite frequently with these characters so I found you have to sort of roll with it. So this was a solid 3 but Caleb was the man so drove it a 4. These books are like nice little gumdrops. Sweet, somewhat sticky and leave you with a a mild sated feeling.