A review by lifeinthebooklane
Dante's End by Ariana Nash


This story is dark, twisted, and perilous, featuring a misunderstood monster and his butterfly boy. Ariana Nash's beautifully lyrical prose ensnares the heart whilst transporting you into the mysterious and dangerous world she has created. A world where nothing is as it seems and the truth is harder to find than a needle in a haystack.

“Havok was jealous. Dante had said he’d come back, he’d promised. Havok had waited by that pond for so long. And when he had returned, he’d brought another, brought a replacement, a Lenolian like him. Someone not Havok. The betrayal stung to this day.”

This may be Dante's End but Havok totally stole the show. He's like an impulsive toddler, pulling the wings off an insect because he wants to see how they work. Full of ire, passion, envy and with a strong urge to protect the humans under his care. What isn't to love about this horned, winged, sexy monster? Dante is just as impetuous, quick to judge and flying off the handle as only a true redhead can. He both loves and hates his Jailor, remembering the young boy he once knew and sparring with the cold-hearted terror he now faces.

In a world where nothing is as it seems, where only the strongest, most determined and most ruthless survive, separating fact from fiction can seem an almost impossible task. Whom to trust, who to care for, whether indeed to care, these are the puzzles that can drive even the most balanced of men crazy.

Only Ariana Nash can make a dreadful monster loveable, and an affable hero into someone you want to punch. And make it imperative for this star-crossed pair to find the happily ever after in one another's arms. She also, cruel mistress that she is, likes to leave us on a soul-crushing cliffhanger too. I am absolutely besotted with Dante and Havok and will be counting the months, weeks, days and hours until book #2 is released. It can't come soon enough.

“Dante glanced up and caught a moonlit glimpse of Havok’s ass he was sure poets would be able to describe in lavish detail.”