A review by scearceka
Double Star by Cindy Saunders


Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Ally's on her way to an interview that will change her life. Little does she know, her life's about to turn upside-down, and not in a way she ever expected.

Double Star is a wonderful book, published by an up-and-coming company that rates its books so readers are prepared for what lies within the pages. I'm incredibly glad I got to read it, as I think it's a perfect example of a story that everyone could, and probably should, read. Throughout, I paused to reflect on my own life, about how I've taken many of the things I have for granted, and what I would do if I ever lost them. I think that's a fantastic thing to take from a fictional story, meant to entertain, and I would definitely recommend this to pretty much anyone. I am certainly looking forward to the next installment, and will keep my eyes peeled for more releases from Clean Teen Publishing.

5 stars =)