A review by lynnedf
Unbecoming by Jenny Downham


I'm torn between giving this a 4 star review and a 2 star one.

The 4 star aspects:

MARY!!!! She was a brilliant character. I loved discovering her story as she remembered them. Her loss of memory was sad but so well described.

Her relationship with Katie was lovely.

2 star aspects:

Caroline - she should have played a far larger role earlier in the book to understand her deep rooted anger and get a better understanding of why she was the way she was. Her story of abandonment and loss could and should have been a bigger part of this novel.

Katie - her "secret" didn't feel authentic. I also wish that they had shared more of the incident between herself and Esme. But as she built her relationship with Mary - Katie blossomed and became an interesting character.

I would have liked Pat's point of view for a bit too.

Honestly, I think if this had been totally about Mary and Caroline, with Katie playing a more minor role, it would have been a solid 4 star read.

Lovely writing and well paced (for the most part).