A review by katiespina
Fever Crumb by Philip Reeve


The best way to describe the success of this book is to compare it to another, similar book's shortcomings. City of Bones is similar in a teenage, female protagonist who isn't sure of her parentage, and that parentage is tied into her destiny.

In City of Bones, this is pounded over the head by page 10, and reading the rest of the story is boring because you know exactly where it's going.

Fever Crumb is a surprise and enjoyable read because where Fever comes from isn't more important than who she is. The story grows because people stop being who they pretend to be for a higher purpose and become true to who they are. Those are my favorite stories. Finding your genuine self and staying true to it.

I don't plan on continuing the series, but twenty years ago, I would have devoured them all.