A review by dfostermartin
Fantasy of Fire by Kelly St. Clare


So I really liked the first two books of this series, but this third one left me very disappointed.

First, what I liked:
I have always really liked Olina. She has passion and makes mistakes, but she learns from them. She's not a damsel in distress, but instead can fight her own battles (literally). She has empathy for others in a way some of the other main characters lack.

Her barracks friends are awesome. I love that they all have different personalities and things that their good at/bad at. I'm pleased that the author didn't do a one personality type fits all for these characters. It really kept the story more interesting.

The diversity of the responses to Olina's mixed heritage. A part of you wants everyone to like her no matter what, but it feels much more honest with mixed receptions.

What I hated:
It's probably not the authors fault, but I am just totally over this stereotype that has tainted so many fantasy books. Lead woman character meets lead male character who becomes progressively more domineering/over protective/jealous and then they fall in love. And the man is still domineering/over protective/jealous but it's ok, right? Because they're in love and he's only that way because he loves her so much and that's what true love looks like. Oh, and he's hot and makes our lead females heart flutter every time she sees him no matter how mad he's made her recently.

Maybe this just shows how great the author's persuasive abilities are. She paints the picture of this totally awesome female that can handle anything (not helpless) and I'm totally on board. Then she writes how mad Olina gets when Jovan acts all overbearing or says she's not allowed to do something. And I agree! I'm like, damn straight, he's being an ass! Then he crawls into bed with her that night (or three days later) and says something like I hate when we fight or doesn't mention it at all (no apology) and she's like *sigh omg you're totally right and I feel this heat in my belly and I don't want to want to feel this way but I can't help it! Why not??? At this point my opinion of him is pretty low. He kind of sucks. Olina in so many ways is growing as a character, but Jovan just stays the same.

Unless I get wind that Jovan suddenly becomes a man that can trust Olina and doesn't need to puff up his chest or act possessive every time another male looks at her or act like she's a delicate flower instead of the badass that she is, I don't think I'll be finishing this series.