A review by bluebeereads
Me Since You by Laura Wiess


Istyria book blog - B's world of enchanted books

*I received this book for free from the publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review. Thanks!*

Me Since You broke my heart. Shattered it to pieces. Crushed it. It made me cry so much. It was so realistic and it brought back so many memories. But in the end, it healed me again. Heartbreaking but so beautiful.

Me Since You is the story of Rowan Areno, a sixteen-year-old girl whose life is divided in Before and After. Before she was a normal girl, maybe a little too sheltered by her dad, who was a police officer, and her mother. After she’s a girl whose life was destroyed after that one day in March. If only she had known that day what would happen in the weeks that followed. She would’ve never left campus to cut school if she’d known that a random stranger’s shocking crime would have traumatic consequences for her and her family. She finds a soul mate in Eli, a boy who was a witness to the crime and is haunted by losses of his own. But can she learn to be happy again?

I’m so glad I got a chance to read this book even though it made me cry so much. Laura’s writing is so engaging and realistic and she got everything right. It brought back memories of when my grandmother died and in a way, that’s a good thing because that means she did a good job with this book. And it shows how awful people can be when something tragic happens. I mean… People can be so mean. I was shocked at how the people in these books reacted to the events that took place. And because it was so realistic, it hurt so much more. This book really broke me and hurt so bad I needed to take a break but I couldn’t. It just pulled me right back into it and didn’t let me go.

I loved Rowena and I understood everything she felt. I’ve been there! She’s really easy to relate too for me. I wanted to jump in the book and give her a big hug and tell her it’ll be okay. And while I’m there, I’m going to punch Nadia in her face. She was the worst BFF you can imagine in this book. Geesh… You can’t expect someone to just move on one month after her dad killed himself… I would really punch her really hard. And I would give Eli a hug too. He’s such a sweetie. I love him.

The romance in this book is not a big thing. It’s just a subtle thing on the side that pops up when it needs to. It didn’t take over the book. It’s still a book about loss, family, acceptance,… It’s not a romance book and I loved that. But the romance was sweet and perfect and just enough to give me a smile when I finished this book.

If you don’t like books that make you cry, don’t read this book because it will make you cry. (Probably.) But I do recommend this book because it’s such a beautiful, brilliantly written book.