A review by chefintravel4ever
Keeper by Amy Daws


This third installation of the Harris brother. I love the carefree relationship Booker and Poppy have. this book focuses on the Freinds to lover trope. my favourite part is when they let go and dance and don't care who is watching.

The baby of the Harris brother gets his love story. As the youngest of the family, he saw the hurt that love caused his family so he closes himself off but one sneaks past and that is Poppy his childhood best friend. As they got older their feeling became complicated, to say the least. Poppy solution is to her broken heart is to move to a new country and get her teaching degree. During that time Booker focussed on his Football career. Then when Poppy needs a temporary place to stay Booker insists on her staying with him. Alcohol is mixed and old feelings safest and causes a rollercoaster of feeling on both ends.
When bell and Indie get Poppy to finally confess her feelings for Booker, Bell comes up with one of her crazy plans. This plan teases Booker for the two weeks before Bell and Tanner's wedding. On the wedding day, they brought their dates but left with each other.
But their happiness was short-lived when one of their "slips" before being a couple created a life. She said I love you but did not get it back, and this puts a tire in their relationship, and Booker has to rectify it by doing an unconventional grand gesture. He built a new fort for their new baby in the forest where they grow up.